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Sailing yacht anchored with Greek island in the background

Smart Yachts CEO sails solo from Greece to Spain in 2,200 mile trip

Last month Smart Yachts International CEO, Will Hopkins, undertook a 2,200 mile, solo sail (the long way!) from Greece to Spain, in a Moody 333 (built back in 1982 by Marine Projects Plymouth – now Princess Yachts).

Keeping connected with Starlink

During the voyage Will utilised some of the products Smart Yachts International offer in order to stay in touch with the team and continue to work whilst at sea. Starlink in particular was an invaluable resource in maintaining internet connectivity at all times, particularly when 4G/5G signal was unavailable.

Powered by Roamer Batteries

Powered by a 460AH Roamer LiFePO4 battery, Will was able to charge all the necessary devices off grid whilst at anchor without the need for generators or shore power. This included cooking using a fully electric set up via an induction hob. The high capacity Roamer battery was charged via solar and the engine alternator with a full Victron Energy installation to regulate power and invert as required.

LINKed to the outside world

The 1982 Moody 333 also got a major technology upgrade in the form of a LINK remote monitoring solution. Whilst LINK is typically installed on boats 30m+, this trip showed just how resilient and adaptable LINK can be, even in retrofit scenarios.

In addition to being able to pull in data from the 41 year old engine, monitoring the electrical system and tanks, LINK allowed the SYI team to track Will as his journey progressed, even when AIS was not updating. LINK’s smart phone app acted as a vital safety backup allowing Will to see live data readings, even after a failure of some physical instruments.

Moreover, it was interesting to view the analytical data that LINK recorded through its inbuilt sensors, which gave an insight into both the real time and historical conditions that the vessel was experiencing… it’s fair to say he tackled some pretty rough seas!

LINK’s rugged construction ensured continued functionality and remote monitoring capabilities throughout. The data collected is also a testament to the build quality of some of these older vessels!

Get in touch with the team at Smart Yachts International for more information on Starlink, Roamer batteries, Victron, or LINK for your vessel.

Smart Yachts International CEO, Will Hopkins onboard a sailing yacht